Friday, 30 October 2009


I dare say that more links will be added as time goes on but for the minute there are only a few. The majority of them are in some way relevant to this blog's output. Others I just like.

At college I made a freind whose name was Ali Somers. He's a, as he describes himself, 'Misanthrope, misotheist, poet and a biologist', he displays some of his work on his website, and I encourage you to take a look.

There's a blog about a boat, this one's updated by my mother and is her take on the inland waterways. Or, as she describes it 'one womans obssession with big fore ends'.

Celtx Homepage. Celtx is the program that I use for writing my screenplays/scripts. I was very impressed with this program as, not only is it free, but it's incredidibly simple, efficient and professional looking! I'm not being paid to say that... I really do recomend it!

Indymogul. For film makers and film fans alike, this site is the home of backyard effect. But I took more heed of their 'four minute film school' episodes. They hav a very intuitive and impressive way of remaking Hollywood style effects and have a huge range of ideas designed to encourage writers and actors alike. Thank you, Eric Beck!

Whenever the world is feeling too serious I like to take a jaunt over to the sarcasm society's blog for instant relief.

Next month I'm taking part, as I've alrady said in National Novel Writing Month. This is another non-profit organisation dedicated to inspiring writers into making stories. Their numbers grow every year with people aiming to wite a complete short story in just one month.

Of course there are numerous websites dedicated to hosting short stories but they're quite easy to find. Google is your friend....

All the links to these pages are on your right. Read, enjoy and share!

Keep smiling,

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