My name is Sebastian, I’m a BA Philosophy student in London. That means that I’ve finally calmed down.
The first test I remember cheating on was reciting the months of the year in order. There was a chart stuck to the window above my teacher’s head, what else? Well I once ran… a black market in cap guns at primary school and also rang the (handheld) firebell at end of school time whilst yelling “Fire! There’s a fire! Everybody out!” In front of the assembled parents. My last act of school defiance was climbing up a 15 foot(ish) pole integral to holding a ceiling up to write my name on a metal beam on the last day. It’s still there after four years. My first was probably telling my nursery teacher to name the lobsters ‘bloody’ and ‘hell’.
My interest in writing started young, the first that I ever wrote down was after a trip to Beachy Head with my brother, mother and step father. It ran like this:
"Today we went to beachy head and I saw a dead badger. I enjoyed my day out except for the dead badger."
After that I sort of became fixated with Plaque elves, the antonyms of tooth fairies who come to scrape the tartar and plaque of children's teeth whilst they're asleep. Many a short story (as in, really, really, short) was written about them. Next came a story about a boy named Milligan Horne, which has never been completed. I submitted the first chapter as my English coursework at school, it got an A*.
Since then I've completed several short stories (mainly in longhand in real paper notebooks!) and a film script. Currently working on several projects at the minute, whilst balancing a job, volunteer bass help at my old orchestra, but of charity work and an undergraduate degree. Wish me luck!
I haven’t grown up all that much since then and have so not far managed to incur a hangover, despite copious and continuous efforts. That might have something to do with drinking real drinks, be it a pint of Harvey’s best or nip of scotch from a hipflask. I recommend both, as
The Chap manifesto states ‘we must wean them off their alcopops and teach them how to mix martinis’
I like to read, and to write fiction, maybe one day I’ll get paid for doing this. Chance would be a fine thing…