Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Hello there!

Finally remembered my password back into this thing. Appalling isn't it, I've only been gone for a week and my memory's shot! Orkney was amazing, it was so beautiful, too beautiful to ever try and capture.

You should go sometime.

You should take me with you.

Seriously, I want to go back. My friend's family that I stayed with were terrific, they were lovely and welcoming and it was amazing watching them. They're like a little team, a true family unit!

Unfortunately due to my absence my NaNoWriMo stats have gone up the pictures... I started off the month looking quite impressive but gradually I've slipped back.. Time to jump back up on the horse methinks. Take a peak at my stats here. I'll get there, don't worry.

On my way up to Aberdeen I was toying with a plot idea. What do you think:

People leave notes to each other when they go don the shops to buy milk etc, right? How about a married couple, one a night nurse and the other a machine operator who work completely different hours and pretty much all of their communication is done in this way. It'll provide a look at the characters' social lives, work patterns. Subtle hints at deceit and lies, maybe a big climatic finish which doesn't end on a scrawled note on the kitchen table.

Any thoughts?


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