Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Settling in

I fully admit that this blog is not looking too great at the minute, I'm not new to blogging so don't really have an excuse. But all the time that college essays are calling blogging has to take a bit of a back seat. The move to blogger from The space between nothing and nowhere was to create a new environment and try to encourage me to blog more.

whilst flicking though my Plato, as I am want to do, I found a rather good quote. Socrates has just outlined his philosopher ruler theory and:

"Glaucon's reply to this was to exclaim, 'My dear Socrates, if you make pronouncements of that sort, you can't be surprised if a large number of decent people take their coats off, pick up the nearest weapon, and come after you in their shirt sleeves to do something terrible to you. If you can't find an argument to hold them off and escape, you'll learn to your cost what it is to be laughed at.' "

I just thought this was wonderful. Gang warfare in Plato, Socrates evidently doesn't know what's good for him. ;)



Cerys said...

I suspect that more people would read Plato if they knew about the gang warfare. It could be a good selling point.

Welcome to blogger :P

Unknown said...

What do you mean essays get in the way of blogging. Blogging is always the priority. *Ignores recently inactivity on own blog*