But after NaNoWriMo I had a bit of a writing detox. Only started again yesterday. After reaching just over 50,000 words I cut it back to about 34,000. The vast majority of those last 16,000 were useless twaddle. They discussed a garden in the middle of an argument about rape.
Not the best placed aesthetic critique ever...
Anyway, back on the horse now. Nearing the second half of the third chapter now. I'll fill you in with the plot points so far after Christmas, but right now I'll just share this:
Chapter One: 19,024 Words
Chapter Two: 13,839 Words
Chapter Three: 9,740 Words so far...
and this extract from (the re-written) chapter one:
"After that night I didn't expect to see Adam again, I couldn't have blamed him. It would be returning to the scene of the crime. Cheating on his wife, sleeping with his best friend's daughter, his god-daughter, a minor. It wasn't hard at all to understand why I would never see him again. But I was wrong and the very next Thursday he was back. I almost couldn't believe it when I opened the door and saw him, I didn't know what to say. He stepped inside and handed me the bottle that would go very well with the meal that I hadn't bothered to cook, so convinced was I that I would never see him again. I took it and stared at him in amazement as he calmly closed the door and hung his coat on my father's empty peg before he kissed me on the lips.
'Hello Lil'.
And that was that, that was the beginning of a whole new chapter of my life. I split up with Martin and became known as the school's bitch for two weeks, until everybody forgot, because I dumped him without a reason but I didn't care because every Thursday Adam would be at my door, with wine and a kiss. We rarely bothered with Dinner any more, we just drank the wine and talked until he took pity on me and led me upstairs to my own bedroom.
It went on for a very long time that routine. A very long time, well over a year. God I loved him, and he loved me too, he told me so. I was in heaven for over a year, my own private heaven. Adam was absolutely everything that I wanted. A friend, a father figure, and somebody who loved me and who I could love."
Hopefully you're intrigued...
Merry Christmas for two days time.
Keep smiling,